Me and My 88 Friends

Episode 191 - Meet Tracy Woodard, Cotton Entrepreneur 

Lawrence has a conversation with Tracy Woodard, who was awakened after a dream one night and given a plan regarding starting a business using cotton from their farm. She also shares her Christian testimony and a moving story regarding a…

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Episode 190- Vivienne Dickens 

Lawrence has a conversation with Vivienne Dickens, originally from Leicester, England , now living in Northern Ireland. Vivienne shares her insights gained as a psychiatric nurse working with Alzheimer's patients and also talks about her Christian journey of faith. 


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Episode 188 - Meet My Friend, Bill Watson Again  

Lawrence repeats an earlier episode that included a conversation with a true pioneer in youth ministry. Bill Watson and his late wife, Sandy, were directors of a popular Christian coffeehouse in Andover, Massachusetts during the Jesus Movement days of the…

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Episode 187- A Conversation with Don Whitesel  

Lawrence and his longtime friend, Don Whitesel, talk about various milestones in Don's life. The two of them ministered together for over two decades. . Don retired in 2023 after 25 years in pastoral ministry at Grace Church, a thriving…

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Episode 186- First Love 

Lawrence takes a look at Jesus's message to the church at Ephesus. Also six songs and a comical story about a dreaded schoolteacher in Lawrence's youth. 

Songs: Rise, Let Us Be Going 

Bully in the Neighborhood 

Praise the Name of…

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